Parents & Teachers
Learning Themes: 1 | 2 | 3 | Glossary |

Lesson plans are organized by learning theme and are stand-alone – they can be done in any order.

LEARNING THEME ONE: How small is small?

How small can you cut?

HTML | Printable PDF | Grades 1-5
What are the smallest things we know of, and just how small are they? This lesson explores how small quarks, the smallest thing we know of, are by cutting paper and relating this to everyday objects.
Printable student worksheet PDF

Pea brain! Explorations in Estimation

HTML | Printable PDF | Grades 4–8
Use two different techniques to estimate how many little things fit into a bigger thing.
Printable student worksheet PDF

LEARNING THEME TWO: Quarks: Ups, Downs, and the Universe.

Charge Challenge?

HTML | Printable PDF | Grades 3–7
Objects can have an electric charge. Here, we see how to charge an object and observe how it interacts with other charged objects.
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Magnet Mania

HTML | Printable PDF | Grades 3–7
Learn about magnetic fields.

LEARNING THEME THREE: How do you find out about something you can't see?

Where will it go?

HTML | Printable PDF | Grades 1-4
Make a prediction of where a ball will go after it bounces off an object.

What shape is it?

HTML | Printable PDF | Grades 4-8
Can you guess what shape an unseen object is? By bouncing a ball off the object, can you guess something about it?
Printable student worksheet PDF

Invisible Investigations

HTML | Printable PDF | Grades 4-8
Using indirect observational methods, you can distinguish between charged and uncharged objects.
Printable student worksheet PDF